The List Of Lists

For one reason or another, Al fans seem to enjoy making lists about Al. Sooner or later someone was bound to put them all together in a single place. And what better way to organize them all than, you guessed it, in a list! Here you will find a collection of lists about Al.

Please report any corrections or comments about individual lists to the list maintainer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Weird Al Information Source (WAIS)

The Live Performances List

The Setlists List

The Recording Dates List

The Musicians and Singers List

The Discography

The Songography

The Honored Bands List

The Stlye Parody List

The TV & Film Appearances List

The Thursday List

The 27 List

The 17 List

The 8 List

The Numbers List

The Word Count List

The Food List

The People List

The Ohio List

The Severed Body Parts List

The Torture and General Pain List

The Movie List

The Not Al List

The "Weird Al" Animal and Bug List

The Chicken List

The Fish List

The "Weird Al" Concert Song Performance List

The Hawaiian Shirt List

The Al Team List

The Birthday List

The Born On Weird Al's Birthday List

The Weird Al Definitions And Inside Jokes List (TWADAIJL)

The Weird Al Acronyms List (TWAAL)

The List of Lists