For one reason or another, Al fans seem to enjoy making lists about Al. Sooner or later someone was bound to put them all together in a single place. And what better way to organize them all than, you guessed it, in a list! Here you will find a collection of lists about Al.
Please report any corrections or comments about individual lists to the list maintainer.
The FAQ for the newsgroup is a collection of the most commonly asked questions and answers posted to the newsgroup.
A setlist from every tour and select concerts - past, present, and future - that Al has performed. A great way to find out when your favorite concert-only songs were played.
The complete list of U.S. releases, whether it be video, audio, or printed matter. If Al's on it, you'll find it here. Another must for anyone with an Al collection.
Every word out of Al's mouth is recorded and taken to a secret underground laboratory and analyzed. If it turns out to be a song - released or unreleased - it is added to this list. This list also tells you where you can find your favorite songs. A must for anyone with an Al collection.
A list of bands that have been honored by parody, style parody, polka, or cover version. To make the list, they must have been honored in at least two ways.
If you hate it when you miss Al on TV, then you'll hate this list. This is a great list documenting most of Al's television appearances and all of Al's movie appearances, including dates and other specifics, when known.
Just call me Mr. Butterfingers. You may lose your finger, or your lunch, reading this compilation of severed body parts and exploding people in Al's videos. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for the list)
Butter up that popcorn and sit yourself down for a list of movies in which Al has starred in, written, performed in, or written music for. No passes accepted during this engagement. Rated G. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for the list)
Have you ever heard a song that sounded like something Al might do, but you weren't sure if it was him? Have you used file sharing software or websites and spent hours downloading a song only to find out it's not Al? You have? Well then, here's a list of popular funny songs that Al didn't perform! Artists are credited where known.
Coming to you live from Raul's apartment. Poodles, yeah we got that. Ducks, yeah we got that. Tarantulas, yeah we got that. Chickens, yeah we've got that. Weasels, NO!! We're out of starving crazed weasels!!
The fish references on this list are packed in like sardines. There is stuff on this list that is so deep you can't even fathom it. Grab yourself a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich, heavy on the mako, and swim right into this list. (Yes, those puns are bad... on porpoise.)
So one time Bob The Janitor was in Albuquerque eating his Twinkie wiener sandwich with a spatula, when he turns to his evil twin "Wierd All" Yankovich and says, "Hey Ma, pass the hammysink." If you didn't just burst your appendix laughing out loud at that sentence, then you really need to check out this list.