The Al Team is an informal squad of Weird Al fans who banded together so it would be easier to find one another at concerts. The Al Team colors are bright green and purple, and many of the older team members have t-shirts with the logo and their names and numbers on it, so if you see a bright green shirt in the crowd, it just might be another team member. Stop by and say hello!
Here's how to become a member. Pick a number that hasn't been selected and email me with your name and number. Please tell me how you want your name to appear so I don't have to guess at the spelling. You can use a nickname if you want. If you want to remain anonymous, please let me know. Please make sure you provide a valid email address and/or remove any spam blocks so I can get in touch with you if I need to. I won't try to track you down or figure out how to get past your spam block if the message bounces back to me undeliverable. Your email address will not show on this page. In fact, after I add you, I delete the entire email including the email address from my mailbox. In accordance with COPPA, and frankly just because it's a good idea anyway, children under 13, you must get your parent's permission and have Mom or Dad e-mail me, on your behalf, to be added.
Welcome to the Al Team!
T-shirts are now available! The new Al Team shirt will look like this. The price will be $19.99. Make sure to put "Al Team Shirt Request" in the subject line and include your name and team number. We will slap your number on the back of that shirt, and e-mail you back a link with your personalized shirt once its done. Very important: please don't panic if you don't get a link back right away. Every shirt is custom made, so it will take some time... we will keep up with it as best we can.
Alternately, if you wish to make your own t-shirt, we suggest you wear green and purple to let other fans know that you're on the team!
Just print it out, fill in your number, and attach it to your favorite article of clothing!
Here's a current list of Al Team members and their team numbers. You must e-mail me to to be added to the list. You may remain anonymous.
00 Joe Schwanebeck
01 Scott Sportsman
02 Chloe Sportsman
03 Brian Sportsman
04 Big Edna
007 Lady Hawke
0027 Khwrestle1
0 Sandy (Poodles Fly)
0 1/2 Tylor Sampson
1 Bermuda
2 Strawberry
3 Diva
4 TMBJon!
5 Michael's Mom
6 Loopy
6 2/3 Melli
7 Kaster
8 Katelyn
9 NightFall
10 Rainbow Heron
11 Shelley Myers
12 Kat
13 Phoenix
14 Elise (Eliseanns)
15 Eric Kohen
16 Rob Killam
17 Mary Jayne
18 Debbie (Athyn)
19 Jeremy
20 Phydeaux
21 Sue Kelleher
22 Andrew Pfeifer
23 Angela Anuszewski
24 Carole Goetzelmann
25 Mary Yankovic
26 Nick Yankovic
27 Dr. Demento
27 1/2 Audrey M.
28 Linda Ward (Alamom28)
29 Laurie Seubert
30 Linda Ward (Squirrelly Girl)
31 Dean Jason Miller
32 Daina Paulikas
33 Tery (Yuga2)
33 1/2 Tery's Husband
33 1/3 Tery's Daughter Katie
34 Aggie
35 Carol (Carol Katem)
36 Brandy in Albuquerque
37 Claudia
38 Adam Kohen
39 Whitneybelle
40 Jen
41 Karenzap
42 Tracey Morris
43 Melanie Shomo
44 Willow K Masters
45 Tere O.
46 Jason Shomo
47 Leanne (Bug Babe)
48 Heather Evans
49 Brian Dunphy
50 Zachary Myers
51 Guy Gordon
52 Ross D
53 Paul Jamison
54 Rin
55 Gloria Demassi
56 Anonymous Erin
57 Mary Ann Shelton
58 Pam Shelton
59 Airline Annie
60 Gina Hall
61 Dawn Adcock (KnitKnut)
62 Snails (Lynn)
63 Jim
64 Mike Marchand
65 Rich Glass
66 Anne Quintal
67 Michelle Lurvey
68 Gabe Smith
69 JenW
70 Denise Criscella (Free570)
71 Darcy Miller
72 Kristi Ohlervic
73 ejfan1973
74 Jessica May
75 Terri M.
76 Emma Yankgirl27
77 Tim (Sno Pake)
78 Robert Vancel
79 Amanda
80 David Tanny
81 David Egyud (DuqEgghead)
82 Freckles
83 Katy Action
84 Clasina Cox
85 Jeremy Sofferin (Ladriew27)
86 Kat O'Carroll
87 Manley (CManley42)
88 Jools
89 Julie Graham
90 Tera Doty
91 Jim (Fenfool)
92 Carol Botz
93 Laura Drus
94 Maria Overmyer
94 1/2 Theresa (Maria's daughter)
95 Mike May
96 Hy Roseman
97 Emma Roseman
99 Tirya
100 Cate Dufour
101 Hound
102 Tina in Al-abama
103 Julia Rhubin Bareiss
104 Myra Fabian
105 Kate
106 Lori Monk
107 Katie Muzik
108 Weird Kristen
109 Hilary Cooper
110 Matt Kitchens
111 Washy Calavicci
112 Pikanut
113 Maedeline
114 Night Flights
115 JulieAbr
116 Arielle
117 Lydia Sannella
118 Lindsay Kustich
119 Rachel Pulling
119 3/4 Kelley Hopkins
120 Billy Robinson
121 Michelle Schiller
122 Audrey L. Wood
123 Brian (Erin's brother)
124 Jocelyn Valentine
125 Laura Kennedy (BiblioLaura)
126 Ole Theill Sorensen (Yes! THE ILL is my real middle name)
127 WilStev
128 Dr. Katia Watt
129 Kristina Lawler
130 Maggie Grove
131 Cid
132 EMC2Einstein27
133 Tigergladys
134 Mike Snider
135 Carrie Batsford
136 Melanie Riley
137 Maggie Knudsen
138 Susan Whelchel (peri)
139 Flip
140 Ginni Truglio
141 Richard Wineinger
142 "Crazy Zak" Whitlow
143 Ashley Watts
144 November Katie
145 Tabitha Lowe
146 Andrea Ritchie
147 Diana Casillas
148 Nicholas Dale Baros-Johnson
149 Ian Morrison
150 erkman27
151 Jenny
152 Tyler McDuff
153 Joshua Kington
155 Melanie J. Molle'
156 James Welch
157 Kim (Planet95)
160 Steve Ernst
161 Richard E Green
172 Emmaline Homicide
173 Jason Sigala
183 TYoda27
199 Kevin "Kevbo" Gareau
207 Jesse Gordon
213 Keith Hellman (-K)
218 Shannon Hylla
222 Billy Reynolds
227 Allison Corbin
256 Randy King
270 Amidala Yankovic
272 The Kathy that throws pizzas
277 Stephen Staver
279 WeirdMoe
315 jbracciante
316 Casey "Irish 3:16" Hearlihy
317 Krissy Salter
325 Patti Brown
327 Luna "Tic" Vee
333 M3m3s3
337 Sloppy Glu
342 AiYume
356 Cheesy Chris
370 John Seubert
410 Jody (Zelda 27)
412 DreamerAZ
417 Shawn Lloyd Admire
420 Emil Pederson
425 Aram "Spud" Schwartz
427 Kathy Chevrier
429 Barney Slayer
444 Rebo Valance
512 Becky "Gypsy Jr." Mroczkowski
514 Chuck Miller
516 Dean Lu
523 Lori Summers
526 Alina
527 Cecily Rossell
529 Carol Jacob
537 Brownd Re+tered
625 Sally Hellmers
627 Betsy Manning
666 Arnie the Printer Guy (Al-Team shirts)
672 John D. Wilkinson
711 Jess Broslofsky
713 The Lilac Pilgrim
727 Alison Holbach
729 Michael Myers
747 Chris Saunders
812 Mel (bermudamel)
815 Dave
820 Danielle Burke
824 Shirley-Ann
827 Lauren (Weird EL)
843 Alex Shacklett
858 Jen Dadek
888 ComputerWolf
915 Katie
919 Tara Lyn Launer
922 anthontherun
927 Elise Schuelesner
927 1/3 Daniel (Elise's son)
999 Adrian Vazquez
0309 Alison Nason
0804 Don Nason
0815 John Nason
0827 A.J. Orosco
1017 Sneezer
1021 John "JohnBob" Fischer
1022 Steph (Ninelyvz)
1023 Undecider
1027 Andie Forslund
1066 Dumb n00b for Al
1096 Linda Lu
1010 Tom Nason
1111 Stefanie Heminger
1138 Carol Gilbert (jedimom)
1211 Micah (mikeyelvis92)
1212 Lyn Scott
1227 Kyle "Heffer" Hess
1313 Elin Sejderuna
1337 Leafy
1427 KnottyEmily
1627 Megan Lynne
1727 Laurel Moore-Crouch
1760 Akrovak
1927 avesjohn
1942 (General Mark) Mark Gilbert II
1959 Raquel Nerdface
1964 Ludo (Louise Hunter)
1966 Scott Nelson
1981 Ole Svenson
1984 Connie Dahlen
1993 Brandon
2000 James the Goalie
2001 Julie Huber
2014 Corey
2027 Candy Abrams
2131 Donald Martin
2227 Melanie (Melfin78)
2277 Andrea Toney
2294 Richard M. (weirdalfan95)
2327 Jared "JAM" Marker
2527 Nee Soup
2552 Steve Bynum
2585 Sean Bynum
2627 Weird Al is the Phantom of the Opera
2700 Debby Justice
2701 Catherine Haney
2710 CindyBob
2712 Nathan
2719 Grom
2723 Weird Al Gurl
2727 Harold Waide
2733 Laurie
2734 Kara Orosco
2737 Jamie Stanley
2742 Ben Cook-Feltz
2771 Kathy "Kaffy©" Hrapek
2772 Rose (Miss Janine)
2773 Rachael Campbell
2777 JOnAthAn SMiTH
2781 Stephanie (twinkieweinersandwiches24_7)
2787 ~*Cat Feist*~ (SmileyGirl87)
2836 Manda
3020 Kerry Bynum
3340 Jeannine Z.
3667 Ambra
3913 Lisa "Gadget Girl"
3913 1/3 Alaina
3913 2/3 Braeden
4242 Artemis
4227 Kim "Kimmee" Dukes
4773 Marcy Bynum
5334 Bub
5727 Tyler Wallace (Dunderhead27)
6997 Autumn
7227 April (BigWeirdAlFan)
7327 Susie (smbbyz73)
7927 Accordion Mom (Linda)
8275 uwvark
8727 Kristine Slipson
9827 Jessica (this_is_the_life)
9855 Aughn
11011 Matt "Subman" Marks
13056 dkid3403
16127 Alycia Neun
18981 Seva, Al's Russian Fan
19683 MarsBar101
24337 LaLa
27027 Jessica Estrada (WaffleQueen27)
27137 Supermeat2005
32723 Alison Hetrick (jerAL)
51998 Malkenia
54427 Mary Covert
62442 Amy
96669 Psychogrrrl
100111 Paula Mcgarry
102359 Lady K
131344 George Ackley
143427 Wesley Mecimore
144227 Katie Morgan
201427 Kylan
272727 Asher Cohen
279847 Lauren Miller (Lauren27)
332733 Izzy
1111111 Sam
11345627 Jessica
4689864 John Noran
8119127 JEDM
27272727 Jerrod Sutherland
262867946 RebekahWSD
0908 272727 William Millinship
2727272727 Corny Chris
4815162342 SpiderAl
443426488243037769948249630619149892803 mewrio
AD27 Nancy (albinodwarf27)
AL27 Althea
AL2K Ellen Emerson
AL3K Leanne
Aleph-Null Dave Hollins
A/W Chris Cottrell
BNZ Weird Joe
C squared Calliope Catlin
C(00)D PsychoWardJester
FISH Mystik Tomato
DAP 27 Steve
DINGO spacedingo
"e" 2.71828182845904523536028747... - Chris/ClabberHead
e^27 Sharon "yellowisnotgreen" Whiteacre
e^iπ+1=0 Noah Halford
Hex.1b=27 Jeff Gordon
"i" imaginary Katie Wisniewski
Just Me - Patty Wheaton
Lainey_27 Elaine Murtagh
log 27 = 1.431 NewHaights
Kevin_7_27 Kevin Weaver
Official Waterboy (TM) Cynthia Gill
ohm Mark Gilbert
PB27^1 Tim (Pooh Bear) Winslow
PB27^2 Margie Winslow
PB27^3 Tim (Pooh Jr.) Winslow II
PB27^4 Kristina Winslow
pi PRC (punk rock chic)
PJ Twenty Seven
P/W Allison Cottrell
Siebenundzwanzig Amy Jones
(s) iisryan
V Well, Well, Well
XIII Lauren Doucette
XXVII Terri Lancaster
X23 Rich Lather
x^27 Linda Cheng
Y2K Greg (Spatula)
*2**3 Lourdes
.27 Deb "waymoby27" Freytag
.027 Mike Minnick
.0027 Cara
0.027 Pat Marriott
1B Marty Lick
1/alpha = 137 Joe Dadek
1/27 Rachel Merrick (a.k.a Rabe)
10/6 Alisha
10/7 Alex Seubert
114^27 Robert J. Muldoon
-12 Carol
13*27*42 Marissa Goldmark
14YJ Joe (Dylanphile)
1000.2 Crup Jackerstein
2000" Frank the Intern from Dave & Ethan's 2000" Weird Al Podcast
2/7 Autumn/Jade27/blueberryblender
2.18 Mrs. Rossi (Elvis's Mom)
2.27 Zola
2.7 Johnny Boy
20+7 Sarah Rosenkranz
24-7 Sylvia
26.5 Emily (Mrs. Spatula)
27.0 Zawesome
27° Jon Sharp/CPFofAl
27^1 Kyle Sorkness
27/2.7 Danny ("weird al" rocks)
27/27 Osmonda
-27 Elvis
27.000001- Jenny (Philo27) Heimbach
27.39 Am
27 to the 27th Sue B
27+ Lauren
27+0 GotPepsi77
29.99 Sam
2359184.112 Patrick
3.14 Austin Erickson
3.14159265358979323846264338327 Steve Chai pi (to first occurrence of 27)
-3 1/2 Nova Greensocks
3/11 Crystal Ribeiro
33o Bradford J. Snow (that's not a typo, it's a small "O")
3x3x3 Brian West
(3x3)(3) Laura Esser
3x9=27 Strange John
3 cubed Rachel Erickson
42 + 27 = 69 "Blasted" Bill Putt
5.27 Michael (Mom's Boy)
54/2 Greg Saylor
57.0 Kyle Anderson
62! Sumo
6x7=42 Rai (Themagic#27)
7.2 Fred Olderr
729/3^3 El Green
78.K Catra-Dohtem
87.3 Chris Ortiz
9x3 Angie Maclennan
The original Al Team logo artwork was designed by Sandy "Poodles Fly" Farley (Al Team #0). Here she is hanging out with another Al Team member, Dr. Demento (Al Team #27)!
ASCII artwork by Dumb n00b for Al (Al Team #1066)
Al dressed in Al Team colors artwork by Elin Sejderuna (Al Team #1313)
The original Al Team logo artwork was designed by Sandy "Poodles Fly" Farley (Al Team #0). Al badge designed by Terri M. (Al Team #75). Thanks to Sue Kelleher (Al Team #21) for maintaining the list from 1999-2006.