Getting Al's Signature Inked

Shotsies Tattoo? Studio
Wayne, NJ
November 30, 1996

After seeing "Weird Al" Yankovic during an autograph signing session in Long Island, NY, I came back to New Jersey for my tattoo. My original appointment was for 9:00 p.m., but I was so anxious I called to have it moved up to 7:00 p.m.

Gary was the gentleman who inked the tattoo. Gary dubbed me "Dave "The Ankle" Rossi" while we were busy talking about other people I had heard who had received tattoos of Al.

This was the first time I was ever tattooed and I found the atmosphere very relaxing. The other artists and employees told me how they were dying to see my tattoo as no one there had ever done something like that before. One of the employees came running into the room about half way through the tattoo screaming "Wow, some guy named Al Yankovic called and wants us to do a signature of Dave Rossi on his ankle!"

I am really happy with this tattoo. Gary did a great job of inking the signature exactly as Al had signed it. This is what I wanted, so I was really happy.

'Weird Al' Yankovic Tattoo

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